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【型号】 3000MC/3000JT/6000JT/8000ZL
【桌面尺寸】800×600mm 带滑台800×750mm
【电源电压】单相AC100V-120V或单相AC200V-240V 50/60Hz
+86 18912673551
Functional characteristics
1. Industrial computer+PLc+human-machine interface operating system (using dual screens, operating interface and displaying monitoring welding data).
2. Equipped with current welding monitoring alarm to solve virtual welding and explosion welding phenomena.
3. Supports breakpoint startup, automatic startup, and mobile startup mode switching.
4. Equipped with processing compensation function, the welding needle adopts a water-cooled circulating heat dissipation system to reduce welding needle loss.
5. Welding data can be recorded during welding, including current, voltage, resistance, power, etc. Data traceability.
6. Can add needle grinding function
7. Can be connected to MES.
8. CCD guided welding can be added
Suzhou Sava Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. was founded in April 2007 and is located in Zhangpu, Kunshan City, Suzhou. It is a high-tech company that integrates research and development, design, production, sales, and service. The company is committed to new energy lithium battery automation equipment; The research, design, and manufacturing of automatic spot welding machines, automatic sorting machines, visual inspection, automatic cell support machines, automatic screw locking machines, automatic soldering machines, tooling fixtures, and fully automatic PACK production lines. The company has an experienced and technically strong design team that can provide customized industrial automation solutions for customers. Our solution is based on the concept of lean production, combined with automation control technology, to assist customers in achieving continuous improvement, continuously improving quality and efficiency. Sustainable provision of excellent machinery and technical services to customers.
Service hotline